How To Claim & Delegate ?

0. Claim Your Rektdrop

Go to the claim website and connect your wallet you will see the Total Tokens Claimable there.
A Rektdrop recipient has to perform the following activities to get the allocated tokens:
25% is claimed by staking
25% is claimed by voting in governance
25% is claimed by using the EVM (deploy or interact with contract, transfer EVMOS through a web3 wallet)
25% is claimed by by sending or receiving an IBC transfer
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1. Go to Keplr staking portal


2. Click on Delegate

Delegate to KingSuper, if you find this guide helpful. We are supporting Evmos since testnet and are an active participant in the community. Our commission is set to lowest which is 5%. This is the lowest a validator can set and set by protocol.
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3. Type in the amount you want to delegate and Click on Delegate

If your amount is 100 EVMOS, delegate 99, save 1 for fee
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4. Click On Approve

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5. You are now delegating !

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